Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all,
and to all a good night . . .


Jana said...

Beautiful tree! Was that your tree this year? Or was that at your friend's house? Either way, it's for sure pretty. Hope you had a glorious Christmas. :)

Heather said...

This is at a friend's house, though I helped decorate. Note Ziva next to one of the ceramic cats. She was really good, considering this was her first Christmas. She liked to sit under it, but never climbed it or tried to play with the ornaments.

Alice Audrey said...

I love the ceramic cats under the Christmas tree.

Jana said...

I was so enthralled with the pretty lights I didn't even notice the cats--ceramic or otherwise! lol

Now that I'm looking at her, Ziva looks precious under there. :-D

Heather said...

Alice: That was more by accident than design. K brought them in to touch up a couple spots and, being short on space, they were stuck under the tree until they could be properly stored until spring.

Heather said...

Jana: LOL...she blends well, doesn't she? *g*

Alice Audrey said...

Ah, so that's how it came about. And here I thought it was an artistic decision.

Heather said...

Alice: Nope, definitely more accident than design.