Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wordless Wednesday 119: Christmas Lights

For the last few years, I have helped a friend put up her Christmas lights. Due to a weekend of pouring rain followed by January temps in November, we were not able to get all of the candy canes up this year, but the rest came together pretty well.

Rudolph is new this year.

Neighbor's roof and tree in background.


Wordless Wednesday

Create With Joy


Beth F said...

Fun! I always like driving around and seeing people's displays.

CAAC said...

We make our annual pilgrimage so-to-speak around town to see the neighborhood & businesses light displays. In fact, we are going to take an evening this weekend to do this, which I'm looking forward to. You just never get too old to enjoy Christmas lights.

Helping your neighbor get up their lights is some hard work and your WI temperatures & weather conditions definitely make it difficult. I don't know if I could work outdoors in your kind of frigid climate. The snow sure does look pretty, though.

It's nice to meet you via Joy's WW link up party! Now GFC!
Christmas in Dillsboro, North Carolina

Heather said...

Beth: I also love seeing the different light displays every year. Makes the longer evenings a little less dreary.

Heather said...

Hi Cathy! We've already been to see our city's "Holiday Fantasy in Lights" display, and always look forward to driving around town - or just taking a slightly different route from point A to B to see different light displays.

Our northern clime definitely makes getting the lights up a bit tricky some years. My friend tries to get as much done between Halloween and Thanksgiving as possible, but the weather just wasn't cooperating this year. There should be three times as many candy canes, but the ground was too frozen to get the rest of the stakes in. There are also two lighted items that need fixing before they can be put out again.

It's also cool how the houses on either side of her have lights that seem to flow together with hers. Next year we'll plan to at least get all the stakes in before Thanksgiving, even if we don't get the actual lights attached to them by then.

kristine said...

Very beautiful.. :) love the lights!

Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here.

Heather said...

Thanks, Kristine!

Heather said...

Thanks, Jana!

Alice Audrey said...

You've got a great display. I love the swirly Christmas tree shapes.

Heather said...

Alice: Thanks! I admit, it's kind of fun helping her set stuff up, especially seeing as I can't do anything like this living in an apartment. I have lights in my front windows, and my little tree, but that's pretty much all I can do here. She's hoping to find Mrs. Claus on clearance this year to add to next year's display.

Lady In Read said...

yes, I did love seeing these pictures, Heather.. we have been enjoying the lights in our area as well.

Heather said...

Thanks, Lady in Read -- I'm glad you liked! :)