Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wordless Wednesday 122: Freeloader strikes again

Okay, a mostly Wordless Wednesday this week . . .

First he dragged his treasure into our yard from the neighbor's trash bin . . .

Nibble, nibble . . .

"I think I'll bury the rest of it for later . . ."

Hmm . . . I don't think he covered it with enough snow.

Uh-oh . . . Hide! Someone's coming!

"Do I smell squirrel . . . and pizza?!"


Wordless Wednesday

Create With Joy


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Each spring we have tens of little trees coming up all over our yard from where our squirrels have hidden nuts of various sorts all winter.

Love this little story, played out in photos.

Here's my Wordless Wednesday!

kristine said...

Nice shots! :)

Jana said...

ROFL How adorable! Love it! :-D

Jen said...

Funny! What a little stinker that squirrel is.... :)

Heather said...

Deb: Oh, that would be a pain, having to tear all those out by the roots. Here the problem is maple tree seeds drilling themselves into the ground.

Heather said...

Kristine: Thank you! :)

Heather said...

Jana: Thanks, I had a feeling you'd like this little story. ☺

Heather said...

Jen: Thank you. I love watching to see what sort of adventures Freeloader can get himself into. *G*

CountryDew said...

Very cute! What a nice little splice of life.

Heather said...

Thanks, Anita!

Alice Audrey said...

Hah! So much for that ground score.

Heather said...

Alice: It's actually still there. I could still see a little bit of it sticking up out of the snow this morning -- before it started snowing. I just looked out the window to see him heading up the tree with some new find, LOL.

Alice Audrey said...

You mean the dog didn't get it?

Heather said...

Nope. Max is kind of stupid. :D