Monday, February 03, 2014

A Pine Tree in Winter

No one can look at a pine tree in winter without knowing that spring will come again in due time.
~ Frank Bolles


Shelley Munro said...

I bet you're looking forward to spring!

Heather said...

Shelley: You have no idea, LOL. It was -11 again when I got up this morning, only supposed to get up to about 20F. We're supposed to be below freezing all week. *whimper*

Jana said...

Pretty trees, Trixie. :)

We had one day of spring like temps this weekend. Just enough to really get us all excited for it and then...Poof! Cold again. Cold and wet, no less. *sigh*

I dread summer, but a few months of Spring would be...well, just wonderful. :-D

Alice Audrey said...

I don't know. That close up looks pretty dead. There is nothing as scary as a pine tree dying from winter.

Heather said...

Jana: Spring-like temps? You are SUCH a tease! I'd be happy with just a few hours of above freezing temps so i can open my windows for 15-20 minutes and get some FRESH air in here. Alas, not gonna happen for at least another week.

Heather said...

Alice: Not dead, just the type of tree it is. I think it might be a tamarack (AKA black larch), which is both a coniferous and deciduous tree, and whose needles turn yellow in autumn.

Alice Audrey said...

Ah, I see. Good thing.

Heather said...

Uh-huh. Not that recent droughts and sub-zero winters haven't been hard on area trees, but this one is still healthy.