Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Wordless Wednesday 124: Smile . . .

Winter has to end some day . . .


Wordless Wednesday

Create With Joy


Ally said...

Ha Ha I love it :)


Heather said...

Thanks, Ally! ☺

cindi914 said...

Perfect image!!

Heather said...

Thanks, Cindi. *G*

Alice Audrey said...

Looks pretty goofy to me.

Heather said...

Kind of like this year's weather. :-[

Alice Audrey said...


Heather said...

Sriously. Wasn't laughing or smiling during yesterday's commute - to or from work. Fog. Heavy wet snow. Yuck!

But we got above 40 today! ☺

Jana said...

LOL How adorable! Kinda reminds me of Olaf.

It's always fun to find something to cheer you up unexpectedly like that when you're hip deep in snow. ;-)

Heather said...

Jana: How scary is it that I got the Olaf reference, even though I still haven't seen the movie? And talk about rude -- it comes out after my birthday, but in time for your's and Kim's. Hmph!

Jana said...

Yeah, I'm excited about the DVD coming out. I already pre-ordered it for the kids. Lyssa's still obsessed with it.

Look at it this way, you can celebrate your birthday all month long while you're waiting for it and then you and Kim can have a Frozen movie night for your birthdays! :-D

Heather said...

GMA had a "Let It Go: sing-a-long this morning, with video feeds from across the US -- Disney, Universal Studios, a choir in Atlanta, a park in Chicago, and (of course) live in Times Square. Idina Menzel even started it off, and they had the lyrics at bottom of the screen for those who don't know the words. Love the song, and look forward to Idina's Oscar performance Sunday, but why does it always make me want to cry?