Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wordless Wednesday 126: Shivering Squirrel

This isn't my little Freeloader, but possibly one of his relatives, shivering through a frosty breakfast. No idea what he's eating, but he seemed intent on finishing, despite strong winds trying to knock him out of the birch tree.


Wordless Wednesday

Create With Joy


PhenoMenon said...

ooh the poor dear looks cold...


Heather said...

Doesn't he? The wind was so strong that morning it nearly blew him out of the tree.

Jana said...

Poor squirrel! I think I'd have carried my breakfast to a corner somewhere away from the wind. ;-)

Heather said...

Yeah, I don't know why he didn't take it back to his nest. Maybe he was afraid of dropping it.

StarTraci said...

He looks like he is committed!

Heather said...

He was -- at least until a vehicle pulled up and scared him up the tree. ;)

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

we definitely are shivering here too! and not just squirrels =)
waking to -33C at least yesterdays 70 km winds have died down to 3 - grateful!

Heather said...

Faith: We're shivering again here today. Figures that the sunniest day of the week would also be our coldest! Only 5F (WC = -9F) at 3pm.

ImagesByCW | OceanDreamIllustration said...

Oh yes, it has been a long, hard and cold winter - not only for us humans...

Heather said...

Claudia: Yes, it's been a long, hard winter for all living creatures. There was an article in local news Wednesday about non-migrating ducks starving because they can't find open water this winter to dive for food.

Alice Audrey said...

He's got to be getting to the last f his stores by now. Can't let a little thing like wind get in the way.

Heather said...

True, and he does look like he still has a heavy store of blubber on him. He's probably warmer out in that wind than we thin-skinned humans.