ROW 1: The Widow is a rom-suspense and book one in a four-book "Boston Police/FBI" series. I'm the Vampire was recommended to me by several people at GoodReads, and allowed me to tick off another state (Oklahoma) from that infernal "Read the USA" mystery challenge. Seven books to go . . . Up From the Grave is the latest offering in Jeaniene Frost's "Night Huntress" series and the final Cat and Bones story (at least for the forseeable future).
ROW 2: The Beast in the Jungle and Ragged Dick were two fairly short classic selections. Both can be read free online, just click Jungle or Ragged. Beautiful Creatures is book one in the four-book YA Caster Chronicles fantasy series. Take my advice: read the book, skip the movie.
ROW 3: The Nora Roberts shelf. Her Three Sisters Island series was chosen as the first quarter group read in a GR Nora group, one book a month. Heaven and Earth is book two in that series. I've been alternating that series and other monthly selections with her Inn BoonsBoro series. Two books left to read for each.
ROW 4: The cozy selections. The Begonia Bribe is book two in the "Flower Garden Society" series and was chosen for its yellow cover, in conjunction with an Olympic Colors reading challenge for the Cozy Mysteries group. The February "Featured Author" for that group was Christy Fifield (AKA Christy Evans) -- which gave me incentive to finally read the third and last book in her Georgiana Neverall series, Drip Dead. Home for the Homicide is book seven in a favorite series, and was a Christmas present from a friend.
ROW 5: Dark Passage is book six in Rick Riordan's YA fantasy series, Kingdom Keepers. Thankfully, it did not end with the sort of cliffhanger as did book five. Highly recommend this series to Disney fans.
YOUR TURN: What are you reading this week?
LINKING TO: Thursday Thirteen
ETA: Please note -- due to recent site changes, I am no longer able to access the Thursday Thirteen hub. Please take pity on me and leave a link to your post, so that I may pay you a return visit. Thank you.
I'm looking forward to reading Up From The Grave. Actually, I might listen to it on audio. The narrator is really good.
Ah, I want to do up my list too. I have the list but i want to add quotes. I'm getting so behind that I'm forgetting what I read.
It's not like you were a slow reader to begin with. Oooo, more Nora.
I'm having trouble with the hub too. So many technical difficulties over there. You're welcome to raid my comment stream for participants.
We have the Kingdom Keepers Series, but haven't read them yet!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
Shelley: Up From the Grave was good. I've never been able to listen to audio books. My mind wanders and I miss so much I have to rewind -- repeatedly -- or I end up falling asleep.
Pearl: You really should do up a list for us. I keep a book list, both at the back of a journal and on the computer, and also keep track via Goodreads.
Alice: No, not really a slow reader, though this latest Riordan seems to be taking me forever. And yes, more Nora. You'll see more of her on the next "Recently Read" list, too, as I have three or four in the pile for the next month or so.
I'm glad I'm not the only one having difficulties with the hub. I used other peoples' lists I could get to as springboards last week, and will surely do the same this week.
Pai-aige! I can't beleive you have not read those yet. Shame on you! :-D
The Three Sisters trilogy is my favorite Nora series. These all look so good!!!
Jennifer: It is a good series. I'm looking forward to finishing it this month.
I think you read more than anyone I know and you certainly have some favorite authors.
What a lot of reading. You put me to shame. I am lucky if I get in a book a week anymore.
Thanks, Anita! If it makes you feel better, I've been reading the smae book for almost a week now. Of course, it is almost 600 pages, lol. ☺
Thanks, Colleen: Would you believe I know people who read twice as much as I do? Of course, some of them are retired. *G*
I always like to see what you're reading because you seem to always read interesting novels. Thanks for sharing.
I want to read BEAUTIFUL CREATURES, too.
Thanks, Mia! Beautiful Creatures was pretty good, not sure if I will continue the series, though.
Jannet's a nice lady, but she an the others working the hub don't seem to realize that consistency and accessibility are the most important things for a hug.
Very true. I managed to get to a few people via other peoples' blogs. Pearl was the hardest. Woman SERIOUSLY needs to learn to leave a link, seeing as she has more than a dozen blogs (and who needs that many different blogs?). If I can't find someone's blog in one click, they're not getting a return visit.
I was seriously tempted to swipe that message you had on the comment screen about refusing to hunt people down.
Feel free, LOL. :D
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