Saturday, April 12, 2014

Random Photo: Bird House

Bird house, UW Arboretum ~ Madison, WI ~ March 25, 2012


Jana said...

I need to get some bird houses for my yard. I have a ton of birds who like to frolic around the place. Saw the most gorgeous blue bird the other day. But my precious pooch scared it away before I could snap a photo. :-/

Heather said...

I was with Kim over the weekend when she bought a snazzy new birdhouse made out of recycled bottles that is touted as indestructable. alas, I fear it is far out of my budget or yours.

Here's a pic of it I found on the WBU website, except hers only has the suet feeder on one side.

Alice Audrey said...

Such pretty greens in the background.

Heather said...

*nodding* Longenecker always has nice grounds. Still waiting for the grass to turn green this year.

Alice Audrey said...

So are we. There are brown patches in the lawns all over town. We had a lot of ice this year and it did a real number on the grass.

Heather said...

It's starting to turn green now, with all the rain. The down side to that is that there's a lot of pollen in the air. :-/

Jana said...

Holy moly! Yeah, that's WAY outta my price range. Pretty, but...yeah. lol

Heather said...

Uh-huh! Apparently, she has decided the pole it is currently on is too high to fill - I had difficulty reaching it on a stool and she's shorter than I am - so it looks like we will be returning to Wild Bird this weekend for a shorter pole system and more suet.