Thursday, May 01, 2014

Skywatch Friday 57

While we have not seen the severe weather that has plagued the South and East coast, the weather this week remained unchanged one day to the next. Cold. Wet. Overcast. In short, it's been downright dreary.

LINKING TO: Skywatch Friday


Anonymous said...

Love the clouds in your second one! Haven't "seen" you for a while -hope you're doing okay?

Jim said...

Grey but great.

Heather said...

Jeanette: Thank you! I missed last week, due to being exceedingly busy at work. Tired of the endless overcast skies and chilly temps this week, but otherwise doing okay.

Heather said...

Thanks, Jim!

Rajesh said...

Great shots of stormy sky.

Heather said...

Thank you, Rajesh!

Jana said...

Sending you some sunshine and warmer weather vibes...too bad I can't really just box some up and mail it to you! ;-)

Heather said...

Thanks, Jana! We're supposed to see the sun again Sunday. It will certainly be welcome after a week of gray skies.

CountryDew said...

That does look a little depressing.

Heather said...

Anita: It really has been. I actually saw the sun - for all of ten minutes - for the first time in a week on the way home from work tonight. I almost didn't recognize it. ;)

Lew said...

Shades of gray also are beautiful! Hope you have sunny days ahead.

NatureFootstep said...

grey skies. Right now I can hear rain on my balcony. But it is great we had an eniter week of sunshine. .)

Do you need the word verification. It is sooo hard to read :(

Heather said...

Thanks, Lew -- we did see the sun this past weekend, but awoke to an overcast sky again this morning. :-\

Heather said...

Nature: Thanks for visiting. To answer your question - yes, unfortunately, I do need word verification. Without it I spend hours trying to pick legit comments out of the excessive pornographic spam. Comment moderation doesn't work as - again - it comes down to trying to pick legit comments out of spam, plus blogger does not notify users of comments waiting to be modified, which means comments can sit there for days or weeks. If you can't read the letters, hit the refresh button by the comment box until you get one you can read.

Alice Audrey said...

Even for Wiscondin, that's a lot of low-hanging clouds.

Heather said...

Alice: Uh-huh -- and the sky looked like this all last week. We finally saw some sun over the weekend.