Thursday, May 08, 2014

Skywatch Friday 58

I was at work Monday morning when I heard the unmistakable roar of an engine buzzing my place of employment. I grabbed my camera and hurried outside to see if I could catch him. The mostly-cloudy skies worked to my advantage as I photographed the small plane that circled over the area for about an hour. And yes, he really was flying as low as it looks.

LINKING TO: Skywatch Friday


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Looks like a crop duster! Very cool shots.

Heather said...

Spare parts: Thanks! It's not a crop duster, as I've seen the plane a couple times before -- last time was just before dusk last fall. There's a small, private air field nearby and I've seen at least one other small plane in the area. Plus, there are no crops yet to dust. Planting is a few weeks behind here, dur to the long winter and cold, wet spring.

Shelley Munro said...

Wow, he is low. Love the bright yellow :)

Heather said...

Shelley: I was glad I was able to get a shot showing the plane's color. I almost had one of the bottom of the plane as it flew over my head.

Sylvia K said...

A colorful plane to be sure and great captures for the day, Heather!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!! Enjoy!

Heather said...

Thanks, Sylvia -- I hope you have a good weekend, too!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful sequence of shots.

Jana said...

Nice shots!

We had one fly low like that over my parents house once...scared the crap out of us. lol

Karen said...

Nice photos, wonder what he was doing so low.

Karen said...

Nice photos, wonder what he was doing so low.

marilyn said...

You got some great shots of the plane and it's appearance gave a little charge to your day.

VioletSky said...

that bright yellow was a nice surprise!

Fun60 said...

You did well to capture the colour of the plane. it must have been flying really low.

Al said...

Very nice - it looks like you could reach out and touch the airplane in that last shot.

Carver said...

Great captures. I'm glad you grabbed your camera. I have a lot of helicopters and planes fly over my house but the trees block most of the shots too quickly.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

You have some lovely captures of the plane here.

Randi said...

Wow...amazing shots. It looks like a toy..."smile".
My entry is here

Jim said...

Great. Thanks for the comment on my blog.
Sydney – City and Suburbs

Hootin Anni said... say where you work, so I'm sure it wasn't a crop duster...wonder why so low?

Neat photos.

NatureFootstep said...

I´d say that is a great catch for the day. :)

Alice Audrey said...

Did he spray anything? I can't imagine any crops in the city that should be dusted.

Heather said...

Rajesh: Thank you!

Jana: LOL...I suppose that would be unnerving if you aren't used to planes flying overhead.

Karen: I think he was just out for a joyride, considering the time of day, height, and the way he was zigzagging all over the place, and banking here and there.

Heather said...

Marilyn: Yes, this little plane definitely broke up the monotony of a normal work day.

VioletSky: That bright yellow was a definite bright spot in the day!

Fun60: Yes, he was flying fairly low. I was able to get some pics without using the zoom lens.

Heather said...

Al: Thank you - doesn't it just? ☺

Carve: I have the same problem with planes and helicopters that fly over my house - they get lost in the trees, or up too high in the clouds.

Karen (pieces): Thank you! So glad I had the camera handy (and charged) that day!

Heather said...

Randi: LOL...definitely someone's "toy." ☺

Thanks, Jim!

Hootin' Anni: Well, I do work just outside the city, but have never seen any crop dusters around here - though they often spray wooded areas for gypsy moths. I last saw this plane in the fall, but was too far away to get any pics at that time. Glad the owner decided to take it up for a "spin" last week! ☺

Heather said...

NatureFootsteps: Thank you, it was one of a couple awesome shots from that day. I had a bit of wildlife luck at the Arboretum that evening, too. ☺

Alice: No, he wasn't spraying/dusting anything. He was just flying around the area at varying heights, and banking here and there. Too bad he didn't try a few loops, eh?