Thursday, May 15, 2014

Skywatch Friday 59

Looking up through the Evjue Pines at Grady Tract
UW Arboretum * Madison, WI * May 10, 2014

LINKING TO: Skywatch Friday


Spare Parts and Pics said...

The filtered sky through the trees is a great perspective!

lina@womens perspectives said...

I always like seeing branches against the sky.

Icy BC said...

Fantastic angle to see the sky!

Heather said...

Spare Parts, Lina and Icy BC -- Thank you! ☺

Alice Audrey said...

Great angle. I do that too, now and then. Right now it's just dull clouds. Not worth going out for a picture here.

Heather said...

Alice: Thanks! We've had cloudy/overcast skies off and on all week, but looks like we're in for sunshine this weekend. Now, if only it would warm up again...

(We had frost/freeze advisories last night and probably will again tonight.)

Al said...

I love those towering trees - great Skywatch photos!

Joe Todd said...

I love sky shots thru the trees Thanks

Rajesh said...

Great views of the sky.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Lovely -- the trees are making a lace canopy overhead. Beautiful pictures.

Alice Audrey said...

We've been lows in the 40's for a couple of weeks now with highs in the 70's, so I'm doing pretty good. I'm about to transplant my garden starts.

Heather said...

We did have temps in the 30s two consecutive nights, but the last couple nights have been around 50F, with daytime highs this week in the 60s and 70s -- we may even see 80 today and again Memorial Day!

I wanted to go to the Arboretum Sunday, but my allergies were so bad I decided it was better not to make them worse. Maybe tonight after dinner...