Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Wordless Wednesday 131: Shallow waters

Greene Prairie * UW-Madison Arboretum


Wordless Wednesday

Create With Joy


Jana said...

I'd say I'd love to splash through that water in my bare feet but doesn't look very bare foot friendly, actually. lol

Lovely photo, though. :-)

Susan (rainy) said...

Looks like Spring in Seattle with the soft green grasses and all the life giving rain runoff. I can almost hear the little splashes as the water rushes past the rocks. tfs

Heather said...

Jana: No, definitely not barefoot friendly. It does look inviting, though, doesn't it?

Heather said...

Susan: Don't you love when you can "hear" the water just by looking at a photo? Thanks for stopping by! ☺

Alice Audrey said...

Shallow, but oddly appealing.

Heather said...

Alice: Isn't it just? ☺