Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Wordless Wednesday 135: Ragwort

RAGWORT, a member of the sunflower family
Blooms May-June
UW-Madison Arboretum * Madison, WI


Wordless Wednesday

Create With Joy


Sheltie Times said...

Very pretty. Thanks for sharing.

colleen said...

Just not a pretty enough name for such lovelies!

StarTraci said...

Pretty! I've seen those before but never knew their name.
Happy WW!

Heather said...

Thanks, Bailey!

Colleen: Isn't that always the way? ☺

Traci: Thanks, I'm glad you now know what they are called! : D

sunshine said...

A wonderful flower, similar to our common groundsel.

Unknown said...

I love wildflowers. This one is so pretty!

Jana said...

Ragwort? I agree! That's a terrible name for a pretty flower. Sounds more like an evil wizard or something. haha

Heather said...

Christian: My research tells me they are in the same family, though I think ragwort prettier.

Thanks, Katie!

Jana: Hey, don't blame me, I don't make the names. LOL ☺

Alice Audrey said...

What an awful name for such a pretty flower.

Heather said...

True, though I have seen worse. ;)