Thursday, July 24, 2014

Skywatch Friday 67

Seen while driving home past the county fairgrounds one night last week . . .

LINKING TO: Skywatch Friday


Jana said...

Oh, cool! The lights are so pretty in the darkness. :-)

Anonymous said...

Love your photos of county fair!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty shots! I like the feeling of motion in the second shot.

Jim said...

So pretty.

Pearl Maple said...

great photo, the lighting in night is such a treat to see

Heather said...

Thank you all for the nice comments. ☺

Alice Audrey said...

So colorful!

Heather said...

Yup! I wish the stop light had stayed red a bit longer - it was hard to get good pics of the fair grounds without actually visiting them and with no place to safely pull over.