ROW 1: Paige Shelton was the August featured author for the Cozy Mysteries group — I read two of the three titles I had by her in Mount TBR, which also fit a mini challenge for a book with a senior citizen. Death Threads was read for a September mini challenge (a book featuring sewing or quilting), and is one that has been moldering too long in Mount TBR.
ROW 2: More mysteries for reading challenges. Death in the Air is one I've wanted to read ever since last season's Castle episode set on an airplane. As I was reading it, I caught an older Bones episode also set on a plane. The book is set in England and France, so was applied to the World Trip challenge and an August mini challenge for a book in which someone flies. Murder in Mesopotamia was applied to both the Summer and World Trip challenges (Iraq). I also did more catching up in one of my favorite series, Aunt Dimity, which I also applied to a mini challenge for a book with a stuffed animal.
ROW 3: The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax was read for a Summer challenge (my “U” book), and also fit the World Trip challenge as it took us to Mexico and Albania. The Heart of the Sea is book three in NR's Gallaghers of Ardmore trilogy. I read the first two books when they came out, and started this one, but misplaced it about halfway through and for some reason never got back to it when I did find it. I finally finished it for the “Ultimate” challenge, a book started but never finished. I also finally got round to reading City of Glass, book three in the “Mortal Instruments” series. Only three more to go in that series, plus a related trilogy. Eek!
ROW 4: I’ve wanted to read The Eyre Affair for some time now, and was not disappointed. It was a fun and quirky read, and I look forward to reading more in the series. Reading it had me picking up Jane Eyre for a reread. I’d read it twice previously, but it had been a long time – loved it as much as I did the first time! I read A Midsummer Night’s Dream for the Ultimate challenge, for the criteria of a play.
ROW 5: The Island of Dr. Moreau was read for a classic group read in August. This is a bizarre and troubling tale, and while it did not give me nightmares, I did have some rather weird dreams upon finishing it.
What are you reading these days?
LINKING TO: Thursday Thirteen
I've read the Agatha Christie books and The Unexpected Mrs. Polifax (the first of the series, I think, and perhaps the best one).
I've just finished 'What Alice Forgot' by Liana Moriarty. It is about a woman who loses her memory and has to rebuild relationships with family and friends. I know you don't need to add to your 'to be read stack,' but it is a very interesting book.
Hi Lea! Yes, this was the first Mrs. Pollifax novel. Have heard about the book you mentioned, sounds like you liked it!
Impressive stuff - if I posted every time I'd read 13 books, it would be roughly once a decade at the moment. Oh the shame of it!
I think in the time you read all these I read one. Maybe. I didn't read any books while I was on my trip.
Jennifer: Gasp! I couldn't imagine never reading. I read at home, on the bus, and even occasionally in long lines. : D
Alice: I can imagine you being too busy or too tired during your trip, but not even on the long plane rides? Needless to say, I pretty much have my "Teaser Tuesdays" set up for the rest of the year.
I recognize the classics but none of the others. You read a lot. Countrydew
The word "read" is in "already." The Island of Doctor M. scared me as a girl. I can't remember if I read it or saw the movie or both.
Anita: I have always read a lot, with few fallow years. *VBG*
Colleen: I can see this book frightening some people, especially younger readers. I haven't seen the movie, but if it does any justice to the book, it should be equally disturbing/frightening. Your grandsons might like it once they're a little older. ;)
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