ROW 1: The books in this row were all read in December 2015. All I Want for Christmas is You is a free novella I picked up from B&N for the Nook, and the most recent romance read. Pecan Pies is the third book in Ellery Adams “Charmed Pie Shoppe” series, and I have book four in Mount TBR. Death of a Dapper Snowman was another freebie from B&N (at time of purchase), and was an okay read, though the later chapters especially would have benefited from better editing.
ROW 2: I kicked off the year with three books for the 2016 Ultimate Challenge, starting with a 600-pager, The Insider by Ridley Pearson, the last book in his Kingdom Keepers series. Next was The BFG by Roald Dahl, a movie adaptation of which will be in theaters this July. I was not planning to reread Metamorphosis by Kafka when it was chosen as the March classic group read, but it fit the criteria of a book read in high school, was short, and was included in a “classics” anthology on my ereader, so I did. Just as weird and depressing as I remembered it!
ROW 3: I have read a lot of cozy mysteries over the last couple months, as these next two rows show. All of these fit multiple challenges, including monthly mini challenges, the 2016 Ultimate, or the “winter” challenge. The Merlot Murders was actually read in December, and Ellen Crosby was a new-to-me author. I received a couple of B&N gift cards for Christmas, and some of my purchases included the two most recent books by Kate Collins, from her Flower Shop mystery series: A Root Awakening and Florist Grump. This is a favorite series I’ve been following for years, and I look forward to the next one out this spring. I read these this month for mini challenges, but they also fit the Ultimate criteria of a NY Times Bestseller.
ROW 4: Nancy J. Parra was the September cozy featured author. While I had this book since then, I wasn’t able to fit it in before this month, for two different challenges. Lea Wait was a new-to-me author, and Twisted Threads the first book in one of her two embroidery series. Thread End is also from a favorite mystery series, "Embroidery Shop", and fit the Ultimate criteria of a character with my occupation (craft/retail).
ROW 5: Rhys Bowen was the December featured author for the Cozy Mysteries group. While I did not get to the book I had by her, I did read this short prequel to one of her two popular series.
Your turn: What are you reading these days? Is there anything you’ve read recently you would recommend to others?
LINKING TO: Thursday Thirteen
I knew this was coming. :)
Lots of Mystery I see.
Alice: I *did* say it was coming this week, didn't I? *G* And yes, I've been reading a lot of mysteries lately, but am about to start a mainstream fiction book.
Kafka is always weird and deep. I just finished 2 a.m. at the Cat's Pajamas. Recommended if you like anti-heroes.
I've been reading rock star memoirs. I like real life mysteries like on Dateline and such.
you go girl! one of our first loves, books
Those look like some interesting books. I may just have to check a few of them out! And thank you for stopping by my T13 post over at As the Fates Would Have It :) Cheers! ~Lori~
Anita: He is indeed weird. I've only read one other short piece by him, and can't say I remember much of it.
Colleen: I've never been into memoirs, but thought of you this weekend when, while browsing B&N, they had several musician bios featured under their "suggestions."
Thanks, Jennifer! Can never have too many books! ☺
Lori: Welcome! I hope you find a couple of books from my list that interest you. :)
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