Thursday, June 30, 2016

Thursday Thirteen 420: More From Grady Tract

To paraphrase what someone else recently said on her blog, when all else fails post photos. Here are some more photos from an Arboretum walk taken June 12. I took a ton of photos yesterday, but haven't had time to go through them yet. Maybe I'll be able to share some of those next week!

LINKING TO: Thursday Thirteen


Alice Audrey said...

Photos have completely taken over my blog. I'm still mining from nearly a year ago, and am surprised by some of the stuff I've uncovered.

Nice sunset!

colleen said...

I come to look at the pretty pictures. They are! And thanks for the May Sarton tip. She's a poet and I'm totally checking that out. Found it on Amazon and practically cried. She sounds so much like me.

CountryDew said...

Nothing wrong with pictures. When I'm having a bad day (or week) I throw up photos, too. It keeps the blog fresh and mixes things up a little. Love your shots. You have a good eye.

Novroz said...

Beautiful photos as always :)

I like number 5 the most, we can see the tiny hair on the flower

Heather said...

Alice -- I'm not surprised you are still mining your trip from last year. You got a lot of great photos of a lot of different places. I love seeing and reading about your trip.

ThankzsThankzs, Colleen, and you are welcome for the book recommendation. I had a feeling it might interest you.

Heather said...

Thank you for the compliments, Anita. I'm glad people enjoy my photos. : )

Novroz -- Thank you, I'm glad you like them!