Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Phone Etiquette

An addition to Monday's rant...

If you place the call, it is rude to ask the person you are calling to hold because you have another call coming in. This is standard phone etiquette. You make the call, you make time to complete the call, or ask if you can call the person back. You do not ask them to hold!

(And my day started off so well...)


Angela's Designs said...

People do this all the time! When they call in and ask me to hold, I tell the ... no. Some of them are speechless. When they click over to the other call anyway, which is most of the time, I hang up. Some of them call back and complain, but if they were paying attention, they'd know I warned them ahead of time what my actions would be.

Anonymous said...

I got another one for you. If you can't make and appointment, call and say so. The sooner the better. I jsut wasted $15 worth of gas driving to a no-show.

Heather said...

Annalee - GMTA! I did tell the guy no today and that he could call me back after he had concluded his other call. He was surprisingly agreeable and did call back about 15 minutes later.

Alice - Oh, another good one! Standing people up is incredibly rude. It only takes a couple of minutes to say you can't make it and/or reschedule.