Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Teaser Tuesday 28: The Botticelli Secret

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

* Grab your current read.
* Share a few “teaser” sentences from somewhere in the book.
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away. You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title and author so that other participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser!

I was lucky to win an ARC of The Botticelli Secret by Marina Fiorato through the Goodreads first reads program. There were so many great lines in this one, some flowery and some witty, that it was difficult selecting just two. So...I chose short lines from two different scenes. And isn't this a beautiful cover?

(Please note that, as my copy is an ARC, page numbers may differ slightly from the final print version of the book.)

God, he could be boring. It was fortunate that he was so pretty. (pg 80)

A knock woke me and I was up and into his arms, holding tight to his wiry body for a second before he pushed me away in haste, as he had done in Venice. I did not care—I had him back. (pg 401)

About the book:
Genre: Historical Fiction

When we first meet Luciana Vetra, she is a 16-yr-old prostitute in 1482 Florence. Turning tricks and modeling since she was twelve, she is offered the chance to sit for Sandro Botticelli's new work, Primavera—an assignment that suddenly finds her fleeing Florence for her life with novice monk, Brother Guido della Torre. As they try to puzzle out the mystery hidden in Botticelli's painting, their journey takes them through Pisa, Naples, Rome, and many other vaunted cities of the Italian Renaissance. Can they figure out the secret before the assassin on their heels catches up to them?

This is a wonderfully crafted story that transports one to the Middle Ages. The language is alternatingly course and beautiful, as befits the pair of unlikely main characters, and the growing romance is as intriguing as the mystery itself. I had difficulty setting this one down, reading the bulk of it over a weekend.


Clarissa said...

The book sounds great. And i love the title.

Here is my teaser http://limpetsandpenguins.blogspot.com/2010/03/teaser-tuesday-300310.html

Jennifer said...

Great teasers! I have been wanting to read this novel. Enjoy!

Peaceful Reader said...

I like the sound of this book and that you shared two different little snippets.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Very good snippets! Gives a peek into the scenes.

Here's mine:


pussreboots said...

Congrats on the GoodReads win. My TT is from The Lightning Thief

Heather said...

Clarissa: The title is what first caught my attention. I was excited to win this one!

Jennifer: I hope you get the chance to read it, it was really good.

Peaceful: Thank you, I'm glad you appreciated the multiple teasers. I know some "purists" dislike that, but I enjoy being the occasional rebel. *g*

Laurel-Rain: Thank you, there were many great lines to choose from within this book.

Heather said...

Pussreboots: Thank you! It was quite a shock to win, seeing as there was less than an hour left to enter when I submitted my name for this one. I'm glad luck was on my side that night, LOL!

Brooks J. Young said...

Sounds great. Another one added to my Reading list. Thanks for sharing!

Here is my teaser: http://bit.ly/d3besG

Twitter: @brooksjyoung

Heather said...

Brooks: Always happy to add to someone else's TBR pile, especially as mine is so huge! *g*

Beth said...

A very beautiful cover. Here is my teaser for this week.

Heather said...

Beth: I'm glad someone agrees with me on the beauty of this cover. Thanks for visiting!

Harvee44 said...

Historical fiction with art, just up my alley. Thanks for introducing it to us. Here's my teaser.

Jan von Harz said...

Congrats on your win. This sound very spicy. Enjoy

Alayne said...

Both are great teasers. Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

Jenny Q said...

ooh, I like both of those lines. This book is on its way to me and I can't wait to read it! Here's my teaser for The Kitchen House.

tarynwanderer said...

Ha! I love the first teaser you picked. It's a sentiment that still exists today! ;)

My teaser for this week is here!

justpeachy36 said...

This books sounds great! I love historical fiction. Here's mine:


Book Soulmates said...

Wonderful teasers!

Here are our teasers =)


Alice Audrey said...

Yep, gorgeous cover. Sounds like a great read, you lucky bug.

Michelle said...

My first thought was of saddness...then I felt intrigued.

My `teaser` is up

Anonymous said...

Clever title there! :)

Mine's at http://hampshireflyer.wordpress.com/2010/03/30/teaser-tuesday-9/

Heather said...

Book Dil: The title and the art connection were what drew me to this one. I love Botticelli's Primavera!

Jan: Thank you! Though some might object to the (occasional) bawdy language, it actually wasn't too spicy. Primary emphasis was on the mystery, the romance was secondary with everything else lending historical context.

Alayne: Thank you! *vbg*

Lady Quinlan: Thanks, I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did!

Heather said...

Taryn: Hehe...doesn't it just! Thanks for visiting! *vbg*

Just Peachy: If you like historical fiction, I hope you will pick this one up. It was indeed quite good!

Isalys: Thank you! :)

Alice: Thank you, hehe...

Michelle: Glad to intrigue you!

Hampshireflyer: Isn't it a great title? I think it instantly pulls one in.

Barbara said...

Great teasers. have heard great things about this book.
Thanks for stopping by On the Bookcase.