For those who don't keep up with my Teaser Tuesday excerpts, here's a look at what I have read so far this year—quite an eclectic selection, if I do say so myself. I know some may think this a lot, but I actually feel behind in my reading for this year. If I hope to make my goal of at least 75 books again this year, I need to step up the pace a bit. Click on any cover to find out more about the book!

How about you? Read anything good lately?
(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Shelley Munro * Stephanie Adkins * Janice Seagraves Adelle Laudan * Lia Morgan * Alice Audrey * Janet
Jehara * Desi * Melissa Mashburn * Deb * Hootin' Anni * Hazel
* Jill Conyers * Rhyzmomplus2 * CountryDew * Nina * Elise Logan
Burn * Journeywoman * Denise Moncrief * Kristen
Harriet * Paige Tyler * Jennifer McKenzie * Ms Menozzi
Tatiana Caldwell * KS Manning
More Thursday Thirteen participants

How about you? Read anything good lately?
(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Shelley Munro * Stephanie Adkins * Janice Seagraves
Jehara * Desi * Melissa Mashburn * Deb * Hootin' Anni * Hazel
* Jill Conyers * Rhyzmomplus2 * CountryDew * Nina * Elise Logan
Burn * Journeywoman * Denise Moncrief * Kristen
Harriet * Paige Tyler * Jennifer McKenzie * Ms Menozzi
Tatiana Caldwell * KS Manning
More Thursday Thirteen participants
I've seen quite a bit of online buzz about the Suzanne Collins' books recently. The Heather Weber book too. You've read an interesting selection. Happy Easter.
Shelley: The Collins' books were pretty good, and I am looking forward to book three out in August. They're sort of a take on the Roman Gladiator games in an apocalyptic America, with children in the arena. Heather Webber's book had me in stitches, and I can't wait for book two of the series.
I recently finished Chocolat and am almost done with The Girl With No Shadow!
Botticelli's Secret sounds really good. I read Bed of Roses right after it was published and I am impatiently waiting for the third installment!
hey you make me envy you!
I wanna read too!!!
all were good?
I like how you did your list. I am doing a lot of reading on writing right now.
Janet: Though I love the movie, I have yet to read Chocolat. Some day...
Jehara: The Boticelli Secret is a historical mystery (see Tuesday's post), and was really good. And, like you, I am also looking forward to the next Bridal Quartet installment.
Desi: Yes, all books were good -- some better than others. I read whenever and wherever I can. Riding the bus once or twice a week is a great way to get a couple hours reading in, lol.
Melissa: Thank you. I try to do one of these every couple months. I love seeing what other people are reading. Like a person's tastes in music, I think you can learn a lot about people through the books they read. In which case, I'm almost afraid to know what mine say about me, LOL.
Nice idea to link the book covers, there is a good mix there. The only one I've read is Chocolat, loved it.
I'm in the middle of "We the Living" by Ayn Rand. She is one great author from the last century.
My 13 is a bit of conversations of wit.
Hope to see you visit with me.
I really appreciate people who are into reading books. Sad to say, that I am one of those who doesn't have passion of reading
The Boticelli Secret is very interesting as historical mysteries always are to me. I'm curious about The Tao of Pooh.
Shutter Island is 2nd on my to-read list. My son and I loved the Suzanne Collins books.
Wow, lots of books to choose from! I hope to get 50 books read this year, but not sure it will happen?
75 books is a lot; I usually can manage only 55-60. The best book I have read so far this year is The Girl Who Fell From the Sky by Heidi W. Durrow.
I've got to read "Hunger Games". Right now however, I'm reading the Left Behind-series. I borrowed from ACP. The first two books I inhaled but I've kinda slowed down on the third book. I think there are 6 or so more to go.
Yesterday I got a text message from the library that a book on weightloss psychology that has been in the papers and on the news quite a lot lately finally came in so I'm going to pick it up and see if it's any good. If it is, I might go buy it.
That's a pretty diverse selection. I've been so absorbed in my writing, I m still trying to get through the YA novel, Speak. I need to sit down for about an hour straight to finish it.
Happy Reading and Happy Easter!
Wow. that is an eclectic list. I've been doing so much dissertating and fiction writing, I haven't had time for reading much. And when I do have time, I usually reach for an old favorite now: less work.
You've been busy! :) I love Nora Roberts. I'm in the middle of reading her book, Honest Illusions, right now. Happy Thursday!
I LOVE the Hunger Games books. I haven't been too thrilled with Nora Robert's Bride Quartet.
I've been rereading John Grisham lately. I'm in the 144 books in 2010 challenge on goodreads under journeywoman.
So far this year I haven't read a 5-star book.
I've been hooked on historical fiction lately. But...I've been wanting to read Shutter Island.
I am actually going to do a list like this soon, too. I read both of the Suzanne Collins books and am looking forward the release of the third one this summer, too. I read her Gregor the Overlander books years ago and enjoy her imaginative writing.
Great list of books!
Have a great Thursday!
They all sound great! I so love Johanna Lindsey! I have all her books!
I'm still trying to figure out how you knew I was more of a Lady Gaga girl! LOL!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
That Botticelli one still catches my eye.
You're ahead of me in reading. My rate dwindled from a couple of hundred a few years ago to less than 100 last year. It's my eyes. They don't hold up as well as they used to.
Looks like some good ones.
Deb: Thanks, Deb. I've heard good reviews about Chocolat the book. As I told Janet - some day!
Anni: I have heard of that Ayn Rand book, but the only one of her's I have read is Anthem, which I did enjoy.
Burn: I couldn't imagine a life without reading. Books are my world!
Hazel: The Boticelli Secret was a good mystery, winding throughout Renaissance Italy. The Tao of Pooh was an interesting read, using classic scenes from Winnie the Pooh to demonstrate basic tenets of eastern philosphy. I also have Te of Piglet on the TBR pile.
Jill: Shutter Island was one I wasn't going to read, but I'm glad I caved. It was quite the page turner.
RhyzMomplus2: I hope you can meet your goal of 50 books. I know having young children makes it a bit more difficult to get some adult reading in. *g*
CountryDew: 75 is indeed quite a few books. I actually read 86 last year - ten over my goal - but it's looking a bit iffy so far this year. I would love to be one of those people who can do a 100 or more in one year, but I don't read near as fast as I used to!
Nina: I think you would like the Hunger Games series. I hope you enjoy your library book, and rest of the Left Behind series - have never read any of those.
Adelle: Thanks, I do try to read across different genres, but usually not this widely in so short a time, lol. I hope you can carve out an hour to yourself this week to finish Speak!
Elise: I can see dissertating being very time-consuming. Here's hoping you can find time to enjoy something new soon!
Stephanie: Just a little bit busy, lol. I have Honest Illusions in the TBR, I'm sure I will get round to it one of these days!
Journeywoman: I was glad I caved and bought the Suzanne Collins books when they were on sale in January. I have considered joining one of the so many books in a year groups at GR, but the few groups I am already in (like Cozy Mysterys and TNBBC) take up enough of my time, lol. I hope you reach your goal of 144!
Denise: If you like historical fic, I hope you will give The Botticelli Secret a try. SI was also good. Dark and kind of creepy, but no blood and gore. *g*
Kristen: I look forward to seeing your book list in the near future. I have not tried Collins' other series, perhaps I will put those in the UBS list.
Harriet: Thank you!
Paige: I have all of Johanna Lindsey's books, too - I just have nto read all of them yet. That is one of my reading goals for this year, hence the Historical Reading Challenge. As for Lady Ga-ga...just seems more your style based on some of your blog posts. *g*
Alice: If you're really interested in reading The Botticelli Secret I might be persuaded to pass the ARC along. *VBG* I hear you on not being able to read as much as you used to. I look at old book lists of mine and remember when I could easily knock off 400 pages in one day, and now I often struggle to read even a quarter of that in one day. Of course, there are other things (ahem, internet) that sometimes gets in the way as well. ;)
Lia: Thank you. Good to see you participating this week - we've missed you!
Ooooh I'm eying "Hunger Games".
I love your lists. You read a variety like I do and I always like to hear your opinion on stuff.
Looks like I have some more to add to my list. I just recently read To Tame a Highland Warrior by Karen Marie Moning, and am now reading The Dark Highlander.
Jennifer: Thank you, it's nice knowing people who read across genres as widely as you do! I highly recommend The Hunger Games series, but had I known Catching Fire would end with the cliffhanger it did, I think I would have held off reading them until August, when book three, Mockingjay is out.
Tatiana: Always happy to enable where reading is concerned. I have heard a lot about Moning but have not yet read her. Might have to check her out... *g*
I'm a slow reader and was never able to cover 400 pages in a day. A day and a night, maybe if the print was big.
Hey, if you happen to end up with an arc sitting around, I'd love to have it.
I'm waiting til the last Suzanne Collins book comes out before I read them. She tortured me enough when I read her Gregor, the Overlander series!
Woo hoo! So excited to see my cousin's book on your list (When a Stranger Loves Me.) She's just turned in the third book of a Scottish trilogy - all three will be released next year.
And I've also read The Tao of Pooh - enjoyed it immensely.raber
I'm currently mired in a doorstop novel, but once I'm done with that, I'm seeking some smaller titles to keep me busy in my "downtime". Some of these might fit the bill!
Alice: There was a time I could devour a Johanna Lindsey in one day. I read Diana Gabaldon's Outlander in two nights. Now, it takes me a few days to read that size a book. Shoot me an address and Botticelli is yours. ;)
Sasha: LOL - I hear that. I literally shouted the word "NOOOO!" when I read the ending of Catching Fire. Good thing I wasn't on the bus at the time! Is it August yet?
Julia: I saw that Julianne MacLean had a new trilogy coming out - I was looking to see when the fourth brother's book would b out, and was disappointed to see we may not even get it due to a change in publishers. And I was hoping their sister would get a story, too! Ah, well...fingers crossed.
Kimberly: Oh, a doorstop, huh? Those always take a chunk of time. I hope it's a good one and you can finish soon so as to enjoy other books!
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