So, you all remember last Thursday was my birthday. It was...okay. Definitely ended better than it started. I have six sisters. I did not receive a card from any of them. In fact, aside from lunch last Saturday with one sister, my birthday was completely ignored by family. Which had me in a bit of a funk most of last Thursday. My friends, on the other hand, feted me in grand style, and I am actually having lunch this weekend with another who could not make dinner last week. I shared a few gifts here Wednesday, but here are a few others received. Of course, the best present was just spending a stress-free night filled with friendship and laughter. And believe me, there was plenty of laughter, which I really needed this year!
Laughter on demand, 24/7. This is the only comedy I watch anymore and, of course, it's on USA, which I no longer get as of this month (SOB). I can't stand anything that passes for comedy on the four major networks these days. Whatever happened to wholesome family entertainment Some of my favorite episodes are from season three: "Murder?... Anyone?... Anyone?... Bueller?" (the class reunion ep, which aired the week before our HS reunion, kid you not!), "Tuesday the 17th" (hilarious spoof on Friday the 13th, and aired on that date), and "High Noonish" (Shawn and Gus visit a ghost town).
If the material in this bag looks familiar, that's because it matches the quilt received last year. It has become my designated craft bag, a place where I can keep material, kits, and the most-used pattern books all in one convenient, totable space. Love it!
Believe it or not, there are eleven unique items in this picture. The set of four itty bitty items lying across the long notepad are magnetic bookmarks. At bottom are a set of note cards, a memo pad, ink pad, and epoxy brads. There is also a set of dies for my little Sizzix machine, colored pencils, and craft scissors. Yup, my friends seem to know me pretty well!
(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Brenda ND * Alice Audrey * Adelle Laudan * Willa * Jana
Shelley Munro * Ms Menozzi * Hootin' Anni * Sophia Parkwood
Elise Logan * Inez Kelley * Ella Drake * CountryDew
Jennifer McKenzie * Stephanie Adkins * Harriet * Colleen
Mary Quast * Paige Tyler * Janice Seagraves *Tatiana Caldwell
Jeanne St. James * Sasha Devlin * Bryn Donovan * Alexia Reed
Jehara * Melissa Mashburn * Deidre
More Thursday Thirteen participants
(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Brenda ND * Alice Audrey * Adelle Laudan * Willa * Jana
Shelley Munro * Ms Menozzi * Hootin' Anni * Sophia Parkwood
Elise Logan * Inez Kelley * Ella Drake * CountryDew
Jennifer McKenzie * Stephanie Adkins * Harriet * Colleen
Mary Quast * Paige Tyler * Janice Seagraves *Tatiana Caldwell
Jeanne St. James * Sasha Devlin * Bryn Donovan * Alexia Reed
Jehara * Melissa Mashburn * Deidre
More Thursday Thirteen participants
I didn't know last Thursday was your birthday. Happy B day late. I love the cat purse,
Thanks, Brenda! *G*
Books AND crafts? Yeah, your friends have got you covered. But that family of yours! They're like my In-Laws.
I was absent from Tt last week. Belated Happy birthday!!!
Alice: Not just books and crafts, but chocolate, too! *VBG*
Willa: Thank you! :)
You didn't do too badly with presents. :)
Isn't it great when your friends really understand you, and you get presents you can actually USE???
Awesome haul, by the way. ;)
Happy TT!
That's too bad your family didn't even give wishes to you. Sad. But you did receive lots o' love from friends!!!
Here's my 13 for fun this week. Come over and laugh a time or two. I always enjoy the company-- Have a great day!!
Happy belated birthday! I love the last picture, I am a sucker for notepads, magnets, and colored pencils. Enjoy dinner this weekend. Happy Thursday!
I'm sorry your family was a flop, but it's lovely to have good friends. As they say, you can't choose your family, but you can definitely choose your friends - and you've chosen wisely. Hooray!
Happy Belated B-day! I was AWOL last week myself!
happy belated birthday!
Sounds like your friends are awesome!
Happy Birthday a week late!
I like The Big Bang Theory but that's the only comedy I really care for on the networks.
Great TT. You can read mine at
Very very cool!!!!
I'm sorry your family ignored your birthday! You have awesome friend though. That's fantastic.
You got some great gifts! I love Psych! :) Happy Thursday!
Happy Belated B-Day. I love the cat bag!
We so love Psyche!
My TT is at
Very unique :) Nice list.
Have a great Thursday!
Shouldn't there be 13 gifts? I'll have to check out that comedy. I hope the library has it.
Shelley: No, not too badly at all. *g*
Kimberly: Yes it is, and my friends definitely know me better than family.
Anni: Sadly, all too typical of my family, though I usually receive at least a card (snail or electronic) from at least a couple of them.
Sophia: Thank you! Obviously, I am a sucker for all that stuff too, lol. It's nice that friends not only acknowledge, but encourage it, hehe...
Elise: Thank you! I guess it says something about them as well, since they choose to hang out with me after all these years. I've known most of this group since middle/high school--which can be a wee bit scary at times, LOL.
Inez: Thank you! :)
Ella: Thanks, and yes--I do have pretty awesome friends. *vbg*
CountryDew: Thank you! I confess, I've not actually seen The Big Bang Theory - it's on opposite one of my regular programs.
Jennifer: Thank you. Definitely have fantastic friends. That's twice they've come through for me this year (birthday and Mom's service).
Stephanie: Yay, another Psych fan! Aren't Shawn and Gus great? *G*
Ooo neat!
You really do have awesome friends. :)
My family will remember my birthday and still find some way to make it miserable. ha!
Mary: Thank you. You wouldn't believe how roomy that cat bag is. It's huge! I got all the craft stuff that was previously divided between two bags in it, and there's still room for more, lol.
Paige: Another Psych fan, cool! Knew there was a reason i liked you! ;)
Harriet: I am definitely unique, hehe. Thank you. :)
Colleen: There are thirteen gifts. Eleven items in the bottom picture (trust me, I counted it three times, lol), plus the two top pics.
Jana: Shh, don't tell them how awesome they are - might go to their heads, LOL. And I guess there is that aspect of the family angle. But you know, of all the years to forget someone's birthday, this really wasn't a good one. And I always remember everyone else's.
Sorry to hear about family. I find as I get older, family is where the heart is, and that's not necessarily blood relations. Glad you friends came through for you.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Adelle: Thank you, and so true about "blood" not necessarily being your true family. *hugs*
gotta love families of choice! sounds like you have awesome friends. :)
I'm glad your friends came through for you! And I LOVE Pysch.
Happy belated birthday! Great gifts!
that bag was just beautiful
I lurve Psych too!
Looks like you had a pretty good birthday after all.
I hope folks remember mine at the end of this month. It's nice to be thought of, isn't it?
Happy belated birthday, by the way!
Happy B-day. Sorry your family didn't remember your birthday, but some times family suck that way. I know mine do.
BTW, love the kitty cat material.
Happy TT.
Jehara: Thanks, they certainly seem awesome, don't they? *g*
Sasha: Thank you. Psych rules! :)
Alexia: Thank you, twice!
Melissa: Thank you, you should see the matching quilt! *G*
Deidre: Thank you, I hope you receive a plethora of greetings on your birthday. Best wishes in advance!
Janice: Yes, family certainly can suck. Thanks for the belates wishes!
LOL. Mustn't forget the chocolate. :)
what fun!
Down Down and Dump
Alice: Nope! I got more chocolates today...truffles even! Mmmm...
Desi: Thank you!
Happy Belated Birthday! You seem to have wonderful friends who know you well even if your family didn't remember your special day.
Hugs and blessings,
Thank you, they do seem to know me pretty well...most times. Guess I'll keep them around a few more years. ;)
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