* Aristotle's Poetics was read for a Really Old Classics challenge (pre-1600).
* Pride and Prejudice was read for the Classics challenge. One down, three to go.
* The Johanna Lindsey books were read for the 2010 Year of the Historical challenge. I'm trying to catch up on her books. Four of hers down,
* Plaster & Poison, How to Wash a Cat, Sink Trap and Lead-Pipe Cinch were all read for the April theme challenge (cat or home improvement mysteries) for the Cozy Mysteries group at GoodReads.com.
* Mum's the Word and Second Wind were read for a May theme challenge (mysteries involving horses and flowers) for the Cozy Mysteries group at GoodReads.com — both also fill a goal of reading more new-to-me authors (authors you may have heard of but have never read). Dick Francis also meets a goal to try more male writers (since I was chastised for a lack of them in one of these posts last year).
(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
BrendaND * Elise Logan * Staci * Lia Morgan * Adelle Laudan
Janice Seagraves * Peach * Shelley Munro * Ella Drake
Inez Kelley * Jennifer McKenzie * Darla Sands * Jana
Tatiana Caldwell * Paige Tyler * CountryDew * Colleen
Alice Audrey * Hootin' Anni * Ms Menozzi * Kristen * BusyB
More Thursday Thirteen participants
Wow, thirteen more books. You're fast! Happy TT and good reading.
I love to hear about new books, i ten to get into the same rut. I will have to check out the different challenges that you mentioned.
Brenda: Thank you. I honestly don't consider myself a "fast" reader anymore - certainly don't read as many books in a week as I used to, and I know people who can pretty much read a book a day, even with a full-time job. I read 85 books in 2009 and will be happy to come close to that number this year.
Staci: I love GoodReads, but I also hate them as I'm always hearing of so many good books and no possible way to read them all, LOL. As for reading ruts, that's one reason I read across different genres. I find I grow bored with a steady diet of all romance or all mystery, etc.
Nothing like throwing a little Aristotle in there. I don't know why I was thinking you read that months ago - like last winter.
Alice: Shh...you weren't supposed to remember that. Actually, I missed it on my previous T13 book list, so included it in this one (and saved my current read for the 'next' list).
I think I've read some of the Johanna Lindsey books. I really must read Gemma's new series. I enjoyed her High Heel mysteries.
That's a lot of fast reading!
Wow! I envy your reading time. I better hurry and finish this first draft as I reward myself with the time to read one book before continuing. I want to read Gemma's book. The cover is wicked.
Happy T13!
Oooo, was Mad, Bad and Blond any good? I saw that one on Amazon and almost bought it but didn't.
Almost finished Plaster and Poison last night. But when the words stopped making sense I figured it ws time for me to put it up and go to bed. Will (hopefully) finish it tonight.
Also, seriously tempted by the other mystery series (the Georgiana ones) that you've got listed here. I was thisclose to adding them to my Amazon cart the other day when I remembered I'd already ordered $25 worth of books from eHqn. *sigh*
I've read about half of those. Some aren't really my deal, but some are going to have to go on the TBR pile. Darn you.
That's great!
I'm finally reading Eat, Play, Love. I'm lucky to read a couple of books a year. I do so much more writing than reading these days.
I love Dick Francis. I once read,like, twenty of them in one sitting. LOL!!!
I read a book "If Books Could Kill" by Kate Carlile. I loved it. YOu might like that one.
Wow...! I need to catch up on my own reading - I've been so immersed in writing and editing lately, I haven't done any "recreational" reading for a long while.
Thanks for the reminder! :)
How to wash a cat? Oh that, I'd like to see. LOLOLOL
My 13 is TV flashback, with Paul Lynde. Comedy responses HERE
Do hope you can find time to stop by for a visit.
This is a great list & makes me thing that those challenges are a great idea. I should do some of those.
Shelley: I also liked Gemma's High Heel books and, well...how can you resist more Felix?
CountryDew: Thank you.
Adelle: Hurry up and finish so you can reap your reward! *vbg*
Jana: Mad, Bad, and Blonde was pretty good. I'm glad you are enjoying Jennie Bentley's DIY series. If I see either of Christy Evans' books at HPB I'll pick them up for you. ;)
Elise: MWAHAHAHA...you know I love introducing people to good distractions. *VBG*
Darla: Thank you. :)
Colleen: I have not read Eat, Play, Love, though the author was recently in town. Doesn't really seem like the kind of book I like. I hope you are enjoying it, though!
Jennifer: Wow, that's a lot of Dick Francis in one sitting! I wasn't sure how I would like him, but his writing style really pulls you in. As for the Kate Carlisle...that was on the previously mentioned list at end of March. Really like that series! *G*
Kimberly: One should always make time for reading, especially in the genre(s) one intends to write. *vbg*
Anni: Hey, I have successfully washed a cat on many an occasion. It's inevitable, when the cat in question has long hair!
Ella: Thank you. I've found that challenges can be a great motivating factor, especially in paring down the TBR pile. It's kind of fun to dig through and see what you already own that will fit a challenge or two. You can find a challenge for any genre, as well as those that encourage you to explore new authors or cultures, or that encourage you to read only books in the TBR pile that are at least 6 months old (no new books). I really should have joined that one, LOL.
I think I mentioned this befote, but I love Johanna Lindsey!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
Paige: Great minds and all that, LOL. You can be sure there will be at least one Lindsey on the next list I do like this. I cannot fall any further behind on her books than I already am! *g*
First visit (WOW) I am impressed that is great reading!!!!!! Going to have to keep following! Thats a great amount of reading!
Reading for pleasure is a valued luxury in my world. The last book I read just for me was Christine Warren's new one, Born to be Wild. Took me two days. And even though I enjoyed it completely, I can't say that is was completely a pleasure read, since it is the genre I write, I can also say it was research.
BusyB: Thank you! Are you a reader yourself?
Lia: Reading for pleasure that also counts as "research" is an absolute bonus! I usually only average 1-2 books a week, so love those weeks when I can knock off more than that.
Impressive. You're a fast reader, and I'd love to have your kind of reading speed. Lots of good books on this list, too!
I need more good books to read, I have been slacking
Tatiana: Thank you. I honestly don't consider myself a fast reader - I know people who read a lot more books in a week than I do - but after a slow start to the year, I do seem to be gaining speed. *g*
Inez: Gasp! You? A slacker? That cannot be! lol
LOL!! And here I thought it was because we were still getting snow a few weeks ago.
The cozy mystery group sounds intriguing - all those were the ones I looked at and thought they sounded interesting. Plus I love Austen!
And I thought I've been reading a lot lately. I'm also a fan of GoodReads.
It's wonderful that you have been able to read so much. Reading is my favorite escape.
Deb: Cozy mystery group...intriguing...haha... Come on over and join us!
Jill: I've actually been a bit surprised myself with the amount of reading lately.
Kristen: Thanks, it's one of my favorite forms of escape as well - especially when the weather is as chilly as most of this month has been.
The only thing on your list I've read is Pride and Predigest. Though the cat washing one might be a fun read.
you ve read too much ;) and i m envious
Click here for my T-13
Janice: How to Wash a Cat was a fun read. I especially loved how the personalities of the two cats came through.
Divaa Divine: You probably don't want to know how many books I've read since Friday, do you? Honestly, I rarely read this fast or this much in so short a time, yet I've read 2-1/2 books just since Friday evening. And it's not like I haven't done other stuff, either. *grin*
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