Saturday, October 09, 2010

Artzoobilee: Shere Ly-Khan


Animal: Shere ly-Khan
Artist: Dan Gardiner

The left side of Shere ly-Khan features the Lake Monona Skyline in Madison, with the Monona Terrace just right of center, goverment buildings stretching to its left towards the tiger's head, and the Capitol in the background. The right side (bottom picture) features a close-up of the Monona Terrace's lakeside facade with its bike path along the lake edge and rooftop garden.


Alice Audrey said...

I thought about checking out Monona Terrace while we were there, but the kids barely let me walk around the square, and only when I said it was research for one of the books.

Heather said...

How dare they! They might have liked the rooftop gardens, or at the very least, the view overlooking the lake.

Latesha said...

How beautiful!

Heather said...

Isn't he just?

Alice Audrey said...

It was raining on us at the time. Guess I can't blame them.