Wow, I am really plowing through the books this year. Early October and I am already at 80 for the year. I read 85 in 2009, and my goal for this year was to at least meet last year's quota. Of course, this is far from my record of 200+ reached in 1995. Needless to say, that was pre-internet. As always, click on any cover to read more about the book.

* You may have noticed a lot of farm/harvest books this group (five!). That was not an accident, as the September Cozy Mysteries "theme challenge" was harvest/wine, which knocked a number of books off the TBR pile.
* Harry Potter. Yes, Alice, I am STILL working my way through the series, slowly but surely. Sigh...four down, three to go. Maybe I'll manage to work another one in before the year's end! LOL
* Only two for the romance genre, though most of the mysteries do have a romantic thread. I wasn't overly pleased with either book, though I like both authors.
* Susan Wittig Albert is the October featured author in the GoodReads Cozy Mysteries group. The author is participating in this month's discussion, so if you've read any of her books, feel free to join the conversation. This first book in the "Cottage Tales" series was an enchanting story featuring beloved childrens author, Beatrix Potter, and has me wanting to reread some of the stories we grew up on.
LINKS TO OTHER THURSDAY THIRTEENS:(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Darla M Sands * Elise Logan * Brenda
Adelle Laudan * Alice Audrey * Shelley Munro
Hazel * Xakara * Jennifer Leeland * Harriet
Tatiana Caldwell * Maddy Barone * Jeanne St James
More Thursday Thirteen participants

* You may have noticed a lot of farm/harvest books this group (five!). That was not an accident, as the September Cozy Mysteries "theme challenge" was harvest/wine, which knocked a number of books off the TBR pile.
* Harry Potter. Yes, Alice, I am STILL working my way through the series, slowly but surely. Sigh...four down, three to go. Maybe I'll manage to work another one in before the year's end! LOL
* Only two for the romance genre, though most of the mysteries do have a romantic thread. I wasn't overly pleased with either book, though I like both authors.
* Susan Wittig Albert is the October featured author in the GoodReads Cozy Mysteries group. The author is participating in this month's discussion, so if you've read any of her books, feel free to join the conversation. This first book in the "Cottage Tales" series was an enchanting story featuring beloved childrens author, Beatrix Potter, and has me wanting to reread some of the stories we grew up on.
Darla M Sands * Elise Logan * Brenda
Adelle Laudan * Alice Audrey * Shelley Munro
Hazel * Xakara * Jennifer Leeland * Harriet
Tatiana Caldwell * Maddy Barone * Jeanne St James
More Thursday Thirteen participants
I'm impressed! Thank you for sharing.
I love being introduced to new books. Thanks and good reading.
I am intrigued to check into the Cottage Tales series further.
Thanks for the heads up.
Happy T13!
Good to see you are still making headway on the Harry Potter books.
The Red Delicious Death sounds interesting. I'm about due for another cozy mystery.
These kinds of covers are quite appealing to me. I'm so hooked on Harry Potter; read every book in the series thrice. I'm reading the final book again (for the 4th time) before the film comes out in cinemas in November.
The Cottage Tales series - I wish I could have the luxury of time for that one of these days.
Love it! It's wonderful to have the covers of the books because I shop by genre and what I'm visually drawn to. I'll be sure to add in covers the next time I do a book list!
Happy T13,
13 Foods for Breast Health
Oooo I love the look of some of these.
You're a great resource for cozy mystery books.
Darla: Thanks, Darla!
Brenda: Thanks, I hope there is something that appeals to everyone here.
Adelle: This was my first "Cottage Tales" book, but am looking forward to reading the second, already atop the TBR pile. Wittig also has two other mystery series, plus a book on writing.
Alice: Thanks, I thought you might approve. *g*
Shelley: Red Delicious Death is actually the third in a series, book four (A Killer Crop) comes out in December. The first two books were One Bad Apple and Rotten to the Core. The author also just started a new series that starts with Fundraising the Dead.
Hazel: I had originally planned to (try to) read the rest of the HP books before the next movie but, being the realistic sort, I know that isn't likely to happen. Already have a good half a dozen books to get through this month, so there's no way I'm fitting in another 870-page one.
Xakara: I usually shop by genre and author, but a good cover can also draw me in.
Jennifer: *Blush* Why, thank you! I keep trying to work in more romances but seem to be drawn more and more towards mysteries and thrillers these days. NOT that those can't contain romance as well as a bit of intrigue. That's the very best sort of book, in my opinion. *VBG*
My daughter recently rediscovered her Harry Potter collection.
Have a great Thursday!
Not a Rowling fan? I am currently listening to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows on audio tape; I read the book when it came out so this is my second go-round with it.
Harriet: I hope your daughter has enjoyed revisiting the books!
Anita: I wouldn't say I'm NOT a fan, I just wasn't a part of the big craze when the books originally came out. I have seen all the movies multiple times, except for the 6th which I just got on DVD. I watched the 4th Saturday night, and hope to get to 5 and 6 this weekend.
you should have read "The Villa" by Nora Roberts instead of The Search. lol
Fun list. Always interesting to see what you are reading.
I haven't read any of those except Harry Potter. Some of them look pretty good!
200 books in one year is phenomenal! I am impressed with just 80. I love checking out new books, thanks for the list.
Great list! I'm amazed at the number of books you manage to plow through. Are you a speed reader?
I'd be ecstatic if I can find the time to read just one book a week - and there's only 52 weeks in a year! ;)
Elise: Though it fit the theme challenge, I read The Villa a couple years ago. That one was actually good.
Maddy: I imagine a lot fo people reading this list have only heard of JK Rowling or Nora Roberts. Hope something here caught your eye!
Kristen: Thanks! While looking over back book lists this summer I was amazed to see I'd once read over 200 books in one year -- and those were all 200-400 pagers!
Tatiana: No, not a speed reader like Phoebe, who seems to read a book a day. After a slow start the first quarter of the year, I have been averaging 8 books a month (2 a week). The big difference this year is that I no longer have cable, so hours that used to be spent in front of the TV are now spent on other activities. I also tend to read at night when I have trouble sleeping.
I'm just waiting for you to finish the series.
Alice: You do realize that could be a while...right? Seriously, I am going to try to work in book 5 bfore the next movie hits theaters, but no promises.
Sigh. Fine. I'll wait.
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