* Carolyn Hart was the January Author of the Month. This was a new-to-me author and series, and I liked it enough I will probably seek out book two.
* Sue Henry was read for the Reading the USA Mystery Challenge (Alaska). A lot of people in the Cozy Mystery group said they did not like all the dog sled talk, but I enjoyed learning about an annual event only vaguely heard about in the Lower 48. Plus, I had no difficulty imagining the extreme weather conditions, seeing as it is often warmer in Anchorage, AK in January than it is in Wisconsin. Serisouly.
* Laura Lippman was recommended to me on basis of other authors I like. Not yet decided what I think of her. Need to read the couple single titles on my shelf first, before making a decision.
* The Kate Collins books are numbers 2-4 of her "Flower Shop" mystery series. They are "cozy" mysteries with romantic elements. "Depotted" also fit the February flower/pink or red cover theme read for the Cozy Mysteries group at GoodReads. Book one, Mum's the Word, was read last June.
* Tanglewood Tales was read on my Nintendo DS, 100 Classic Books. I did not recognize as many myths in this one as I did in A Wonderbook for Girls and Boys.
Goal for year: 100
Read so far: 15
Have you read anything good lately?
Alice Audrey * Janice Seagraves * Shelley Munro
Kaye * Brenda * Darla M Sands * CountryDew
Adelle Laudan * Kimberly Menozzi * Savannah Chase
Colleen * Paige Tyler * Bratty * Jennifer Leeland
Mary Quast * Jeanne St James
I suppose Anchorage does have those ocean currents to warm it up.
Something like that, lol.
I must check out the Kate Collins books. I've read some good books recently but I can't tell you what they are because I'm judging two contests :)
Love Carolyn Hart's books! Heather, I'm just wondering how you got all those covers so neatly lined up. Blogger gives me fits when I try to upload more than a couple of covers and can never get them to go horizontally. What is your magic formula?
Thanks for sharing. I love to find out what other people are reading. I've read a few Laura Lippman books too and I'm still deciding her ranking on my favorite author list. :) Happy TT!
I just read an excellent book called "Remastering Jerna" by Ann Somerville. It's not a light read but very good in representing BDSM and power exchange relationships through the thread of the tragic/exultant story.
I just finished Learning to Swim by Sara J. Henry. Good debut novel.
I really want to read Jean N Auel's latest 'The Land of the Painted Caves'. She's always been a favorite of mine, but I haven't read anything new by her in quite some time.
Happy Reading.
These Kate Collins titles keep popping up whenever I'm out and about on the 'net and just happen to think of my mother (an avid reader who "eats" books like I do).
I think the Universe is trying to tell me something. Again.
Happy TT!
Ohh some more new books to check out...Nice list...
I just read Saved by a Poem by Kim Rosen and loved it. I don't recognize any of the ones you posted.
Some great books! Just finished Twilight and now reading New Moon!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
Shelley: That's not fair! Hope you will share some of them when you are able. I found the Kate Collins series through the Cozy Mysteries group at Good Reads. The heroine is a florist and amateur sleuth. There's also a hunky bartender up the street. *g*
Kaye: When you upload images, it gives you the option of: none, left, center and right. Choose "none." I resize the bookcover images so that they are only 200kb in height, allowing three to fit side by side in one row, and use the medium size setting in the blogger upload function.
Once you have uploaded the pics you want, go into the "edit html" mode. You can then move the codes for images to align as you wish. I take out all the "div" and "/div" codes to do this, leaving one space between each cover, and one space between rows. That help?
Brenda: I'm still undecided about Lippman. I want to give one or two of her STs a try, and maybe the third Tess Monaghan. I think one of my problems with Tess is that, while on some levels I can relate to her character, there are other things about her I really don't like. Definitely a "flawed" character!
Darla: Doesn't sound like something I'd like, but thanks for sharing!
Anita: I've been hearing a bit about this one lately around the 'net. Will have to look it up at GR.
Adelle: I would love to get the new Auel book, too, though I never did get round to reading the last one. It's been eons between books!
Kimberly: LOL... Buy, buy! *WEG*
Savannah: Hehe...hope something here appeals to you!
Colleen: Have not heard of that one, will have to check it out.
Paige: Thanks, I hope you are enjoying the Twilight series!
Death on Demand is one of my favorite books, but the series detoured in a not so great direction IMHO. I read them voraciously until about the fifth book.
Kate Collins has some witty titles. They look great.
Jennifer: I liked Death on Demand enough that I would probably pick up book two if I came across it, but didn't like it enough I'm actively looking for it. And yes, the Kate Collins titles are great play on words.
Just finished a wonderful suspense fiction book: The Mountains Bow Down, by Sibella Giorello. I'm REALLY impressed with her writing talent, and it kept me turning pages!
Hope you'll stop by my TT when you get a moment!
The only one I read was the chronicles of Narnia.
I read Hysteria by Eva Gale off of Smashwords, and liked it. Well, it's depressing a bit, but nobody dies, so it might not be 100% up your alley (!) However, there is much gnashing of teeth.
See you around Goodreads!
I keep meaning to take a Nora Roberts book for a spin. Happy T13!
Cindy: Sounds like a good one, I'll have to check into it.
Janice: I'm looking forward to reading more of the Narnia series. I can only remember reading three for sure, and it will be interesting to see how much of those seem familiar while reading.
Bratty: Well as long as nobody dies... LOL.
Mercy: You still haven't tried one? Tsk, tsk... ;)
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