Monday, December 19, 2011

Teaser Tuesday 111: The Winter Widow

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

* Grab your current book or recent read.
* Share a few “teaser” sentences from somewhere in the book.
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away. You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title and author so that other participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser!

Finished reading The Winter Widow by Charlene Weir over the weekend, the first in her Chief Susan Wren mystery series. I read A Cold Christmas two years ago, and liked it enough that I have been searching used books for others in this older (and now out of print) series. This one did not disappoint, even if I did guess the outcome halfway through. This week's teaser is from the opening page.

He dropped instinctively and rolled toward a ravine. The second shot gouged a chunk from the rim as he tumbled in.

How's that for getting your attention?


She'd been one of San Francisco's finest—hard-bitten, cynical and happily unattached...

Until Daniel Wren blew in like a tornado, sweeping Susan off her feet, and back home to Hampstead, Kansas—new bride of the small town's police chief. Ten days later Daniel was killed by a sniper.

Susan was an outsider—a city slicker, a woman and worse—personally involved in the case. She was also Hampstead's new police chief...hunting for her husband's killer.

A kid whacked out on crack was easier to deal with than the pigs, bulls and strange group of locals. But beyond the bleak winter wheat fields, Susan Discovered a hotbed of secrets—from toxic waste dumping to cattle rustling—and a killer who was just getting warmed up.


Sonia Lal said...

sounds exciting!


Heather said...

Sonia: Little bit... There were a few action scenes in this one. ;-)

Shelley Munro said...

This sounds good - from my POV not the character's. I haven't heard of this one before.

Jennifer @ Bad Bird Reads said...

Sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing. New follower.

My Teaser Tuesday

Anonymous said...

An exciting teaser. I hope you're enjoying it.

Safari Poet

Heather said...

Shelley: It was good. Weir really made the stark landscape of Kansas in winter come alive. I'll have to haunt the used book sales for the next book in the series.

Hi Jennifer! Thanks for visiting and following!

Heather said...

Petra: I did enjoy it, thanks!

GatheringBooks said...

I love that you have provided a context/background to your teaser - I find that it always helps - I don't have as much energy myself to even do that so I applaud you for including those. :) It provides a different nuance to the teaser.

Here's our TT over at GatheringBooks:

Anonymous said...

Great teaser - very exciting!
Here’s my Teaser Tuesdays post. :)

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, my, she couldn't drop into a more hostile zone than the one this book describes...folks in those places are very suspicious of "city folk."

Sounds good!

Here's MY TT POST and

Laura BurgandyIce said...

Exciting!! Fun-fun! Bullets flying!

Thx for sharing this Teaser! I hadn't noticed this book before, but I love the title!

Unknown said...

Definitely sounds exciting!FAb choice of teaser. Here's my TT:


Anonymous said...

An exciting and interesting teaser.

Alice Audrey said...

Yep, that's an attention grabber.

Heather said...

Myra: Thanks, I'm glad people appreciate the book details.

DomesticGoddess: This book definitely got off to an exciting start...and ended much the same!

Laurel-Rain: You are right about that. Some of the "natives" were a bit reluctant to cooperate with her.

Heather said...

Burgandy Ice: I don't know about "fun" but there were certainly a good amount of bullets flying. Thanks for visiting!

TToria: Thank you. As soon as I read page one, I knew that was where this week's teaser had to come from.

Tribute: Thank you. Now to hunt down more books in this series... *g*

Alice: I thought so too! Certainly made me want to continue on. *G*

Sandra Nachlinger said...

Your teaser grabbed me good! Here's mine:

Jenny Q said...

Very exciting opening! Great teaser! I'll have to investigate this series...

Jan said...

Awesome action teaser. Definitely captures my interest too. Thanks for dropping by my TT earlier today.

Heather said...

Thanks, Sandra!

JennyQ: Thanks, I thought it was an exciting opener. :)

Janet Ruth: Thank you! Gotta love a book that gets off to a fast start--especially when the author keeps the pace going throughout.

kayerj said...

It's a good thing he followed his instincts. nice teaser.

Heather said...

Kaye: Following one's instincts can be good!