Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thursday Thirteen 272: Random Questions

This week's Thursday Thirteen comes from Sunday Stealing.

1. How do you vent out your anger? If the weather is decent, I might go for a long walk. Otherwise, I vent to a friend or my journal, or crank up some “feel good” music and try to work it out of my system (sometimes even by cleaning). Occasionally, especially if electronics are involved, I might swear long and effusively.

2. Favorite toy as a child? A few come to mind: Mrs. Beasley doll, Gentle Ben stuffed bear (from "Grizzly Adams"), a large (I’m talking three feet in length) stuffed purple hippo, Perfection and Super Perfection.

3. Favorite season? Autumn.

4. Do you ever get letters delivered by the post office? Yes—and I even send them on occasion, too.

5. When was the last time you laughed hard? Last night, while talking with a friend.

6. What is on the floor of your closet? Two laundry baskets (one for whites/lights, one for darks).

7. Are you any good at drawing? Good enough for Pictionary.

8. What did you do last night? Worked on a cross-stitch project, read, talked to a friend, spent a little time online, read some more, slept.

9. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburger? I like my burgers with ketchup, lettuce and sometimes cheese (particularly swiss or cheddar). I occasionally may add some Mrs. Dash seasoning when making burgers at home, but do not like them too spicy.

10. Favorite dog breed? The quiet kind I don't have to listen to 24/7.

11. Favorite day of the week? Saturday.

12. How many states / provinces / countries have you lived in? Three states: Wisconsin, Illinois and Colorado. Two countries: US and Norway.

13. Diamond or pearl? Pearl (I’m more cultured than some people think).


Unknown said...

How fun to know you a little better. My fav season is Autumn as well. Happy T13!

CountryDew said...

I think I had a Mrs. Beasley doll, too. This was fun! Loved getting to know you better.

Heather said...

Adelle: Thanks. The only thing I don't like about Autumn is that it's followed by winter--I'm tired of the Arctic cold this week.

Heather said...

Anita: How fun that you also had a Mrs. Beasley--though I do believe the bear was more well-loved than the doll, lol.

Kimberly Menozzi said...

I love Autumn, too - and Winter. Those are my favorite seasons by far. :) And I do enjoy a good cheeseburger - no question! It's hard to find good ones here though. Pity.

Heather said...

Kimberly: I don't think Anyone does a juicy, really-bad-for-your-arteries cheeseburder like the United States, lol.

Paige Tyler said...

What a really fun TT!


My TT is at

Heather said...

Thanks, Paige!

Anonymous said...

Great list, Heather. My favorite season is autumn too and I love my hamburgers the same way. Happy Thursday!

Alice Audrey said...

That a rhino? :)

People are allowed to vent their anger? Oh, yeah, I remember those days. Before Kids.

anthonynorth said...

Well I had an Action Man. For anger, or any bad mood, writing is my favourite therapy.

Heather said...

Thanks, Stephanie. I got to thinking about that burger question while making lunch today. I was adding BBQ sauce to the leftover pork for a sandwich, and thought how good that was on burgers, especially when grilled. Which then reminded me of pizza burgers. the thought of those have me drooling.

colleen said...

Fun! I relate to your answer about the dog.

When I'm angry I clean or write.

Heather said...

Alice: LOL, yes, that was supposed to be a rhino. It was actually drawn by my friend Kristi and guessed by me -- I thought I had taken more pics of some of the clues we had to draw, but could not find any by me, even from previous game nights. Weird...

Heather said...

Anthony: I think the boys I babysat had Action Man. Maybe. I know they had all the He-Man action figures, so they probably had Action Man, too.

Writing can be quite cathartic--hence the journaling. I can't tell you the number of friendships journaling my anger has saved!

Heather said...

Colleen: Thanks! I'm glad the dog answer resonated with someone else, and hope no one was offended. What really irritates is people who refuse to train their dogs, then yell at the dog for doing what they have not been trained not to do.

Jennifer Leeland said...

peI'm sure you've mentioned it before, but I didn't catch that you'd lived in Norway before!!! Awesome.

Shelley Munro said...

Your closet sounds very organised. I like pearls too.

Unknown said...

love these random "all about me" lists that float around - they always have a questions here and there I wouldn't have thought to ask/answer

Heather said...

Jennifer: Yes, it has been mentioned. I was an exchange student in high school, and spent a few months living with a family on the southwest coast of Norway. I loved it. I hope I get the chance for a return visit some day, and that I will be able to see more of the country. And, of course, since it is right next door, seeing Sweden might be nice as well. *G*

Heather said...

Shelley: Yes, I am fairly well-organized, as you may recall from Thursday Thirteen 242: Get Organized, posted last March. :-D

Heather said...

Kay: Yes, there are sometimes some interesting questions on these lists, and they certainly come in handy when you are stumped for a T-13 post. *G* Thanks for visiting!