Sunday, February 02, 2014

Jimmy says . . .

Alas, Jimmy the Groundhog and that PA Punk Phil have both decreed it will be a long winter. Like we haven't had enough of these Arctic freezes and below zero temps and windchills . . .


Jana said...

I kinda feel bad for the little rodents. They get such a bad rap. haha

Heather said...

Only when they don't deliver an early spring -- especially after predicting one, then not delivering. Last year both said early spring and we had snow until April . . . big fat liars.

Alice Audrey said...

I guess that's about right. Seems the really bad ones generally do last longer.

Heather said...

Sadly, 'tis true. It hasn't been one of our snowiest winters, but definitely one of the coldest.

Alice Audrey said...

Same here. We've got bitter cold and high winds right now. It's too cold to snow.

Heather said...

Actually, it can never be too cold to snow. As long as there is water vapor in the air, it can snow no matter how low the temperature. They have recorded snow in Antarctica at minus seventy below. ; )

Alice Audrey said...

And yet on the really cold days all we get is snow-dust.

Heather said...

Less moisture in the air. ;)