Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday 145: Art or Trash?

Longenecker Gardens, behind the Visitor Center
UW Arboretum * Madison, WI


Wordless Wednesday

Create With Joy


Indrani said...

Junk art! It looks good but then again they have to be disposed of properly.
Happy WW!

Heather said...

Indrani: Yes, it is important to dispose of or recycle thing properly. I've found a lot of inappropriate "items" thrown in my recycling bin. Thanks for visiting!

NCSue said...

Fascinating way to draw attention to the volume of "stuff" we generate.
Please share your photo at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2014/08/american-tobacco-campus.html

Heather said...

Sue: Isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Art! Hopefully this will be dispose of properly afterwards. Lovely colors and nice idea this one #ww

Heather said...

PixieDusk: I'm sure it will be properly recycled at end of season. The Arb is all about sustainability. ☺

Oh My Heartsie WW Linky said...

What an interesting art way to reuse something that would otherwise cause a buildup in our landfills.

Love the colors.!!

Heather said...

Karren: I would hope these would have gone into recycling as they should, rather than end up in a landfill but, sadly, some people are not as responsible as they should be. Thanks for visiting! ☺

StarTraci said...

I love when people take trash and make pretty things from it; especially when it also creates an important discussion.

Heather said...

Traci: Definitely a win-win situation, wouldn't you say? ☺

My Captivating Life said...

Art is so subjective! I certainly think this is pretty! I love when people find ways to repurpose things too! I would love to have you link up at my wordless Weds at www.my-captivating-life.com

Beth at PlantPostings said...

I've enjoyed seeing that display at the Arboretum, too. Interesting how they colored all the bottles and the manner in which they draped them and displayed them. I suppose they will be recycled at the end of the summer or fall.

Heather said...

Captivating: It is indeed, and this is certainly an original idea. Thanks for visiting!

Heather said...

Beth: I can't imagine them relocating this, so my guess is that it will be recycled. I've been meaning to get over to the new photo gallery exhibit, but I haven't been there when the Visitor Center is open. Maybe I'll see what the weather is like for this week's guided walk.

Diane said...

Pretty creative way to display what used to be trash! Thanks for linking up on MeHimAndTheCats.com!

Heather said...

Diane: It is creative, isn't it? Thanks for visiting!

Kristin Aquariann said...

Pretty colors! That's a fun way to upcycle bottles. I've seen sculptures made out of CDs, too.

Heather said...

Kristin: Definitely different, right? ☺

Alice Audrey said...

Art!! The fine art of stewardship. Pretty, too.

Heather said...

Alice: "Fine art of stewardship..." -- I like that. :)