Saturday, September 06, 2014

Random Photo: Stealth mode


colleen said...

Nut sniper on #2.

Alice Audrey said...

I almost missed the toad. Talk about camouflage.

Heather said...

Colleen: ROFL... I am grateful he had no ammunition to hand - er, paw - as I passed by. :-D

Heather said...

Alice: Don't feel so bad -- I very nearly squashed him. :-|

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Fun! Great title for this post, too. :)

Heather said...

Thanks, Beth!

Jana said...

I had to go back and look after reading the comments. I was all, "Frog? What frog?" lol Stealth indeed!

Heather said...

Jana: ROFL... Actually a toad in this instance, but yeah -- there was more than dirt and rocks in that top photo. *G*