Saturday, December 26, 2009


"Those icicles have been known to kill people!"


Joyful said...

Oh My!! I think those icicles are beautiful. I never knew they could kill people. A matter of beauty is only skin deep, I suppose.

Harvee44 said...

Those icicles may mean there is insufficient insulation in the attic or roof and the warm air is escaping to form icicles.

Heather said...

Joyful ~ Icicles can be incredibly dangerous. There was an incident in Chicago last year where downtown streets had to be closed due to icicles falling from skyscrapers. Though maiming is more common than death, it does (sadly) happen. An icicle was even used as a murder weapon on an episode of CSI.

Book ~ They also form through constant daytime warming and nighttime freezing. The day after the blizzard earlier this month we had below zero windchills, followed by a weekend of temps around 30 during the day that fell back into the teens at night. So snow (of which we had 18 inches) melting off the roofs during the day froze over night.

Lynn said...

Beautiful and scary at the same time. Icicles are one of a few things that can actually do that, aren't they?

Heather said...

Lynn ~ Yes, very few things that can be both beautiful and scary at the same time. I think water and fire both qualify. They can be mesmerizing in the right element, but also deadly scary.